Shrove Tuesday Pancake Treats

Here's what you will need for this delicious Shrove Tuesday variation on the traditional pancake.


Put a small cup of flour and some seasalt in a bowl,  crack 2 or 3 eggs into this and stir with a spoon until smooth,  then add a little soya milk and stir well.

Peel and core the apples and slice thickly into the batter.  Stir until all the apples are covered.

Heat pan to a moderate heat and add a dollop of butter.  When the pan is warm and the butter beginning to sizzle spoon the apple mixture into the shallow pan.  The mixture will brown and crisp up quickly at which point turn and leave for about one minute until the underside is nicely brown - remove quickly to serving dish and repeat until all the mixture is turned into golden delicious pancakes.

These are delicious just like this.   ENJOY.